
FRIDAY – 2-MAN BEST BALL:  Friday was for years just an optional practice round but, since nearly everyone now plays, we added a ‘Friday only’ 2-man Best Ball.  You can choose your partner or have one assigned. This competition will be fully handicapped, pay 3 places  ( 60% 30% 10%) and is optional. The buy-in is in your entry fees. If you choose not to participate but still want to play Friday your entry fee will be reduced by $25.

SATURDAY – MAIN EVENT (Round 1 of 2):  The primary competition, Saturday & Sunday, is an individual 36-hole competition using the Stableford scoring format.  Cumulative points over the 36 holes with points awarded as follows:

Net Double+ = 0 Net Bogey = 1 Net Par = 2 Net Birdie = 3 Net Eagle = 4

SATURDAY @ 4pm – HAMILTON Hi-Lo CALCUTTA AUCTION:  The Calcutta auction is held at 4:00p Saturday afternoon in the Hospitality Suite.  Teams are formed by pairing the best / worst from Saturday’s play (with a draw from the middle 3rd) followed by a spirited auction of each 3- person team to the highest bidder(s). Syndicates are always welcome. The cost of Calcutta teams can range from $500 to $3,500 with the average team around $600-$900, so don’t forget your wallet. Payout is 60% to the winners, 30% for 2nd and 10% for 3rd, all based on Sunday’s play.

                               WHEN: 4:00pm WHERE: Hospitality Suite

SUNDAY – MAIN EVENT (Round 2 of 2):  Final round of the individual competition which includes your points toward your, Sunday only, HI-LO CALCUTTA team.

SMITH SKINS:  On Saturday & Sunday, both a gross skins game at $100/day & a net game at $50/per day are available.  All planning to participate get your money to Tommy Smith by Friday night or before teeing off Saturday. There’s usually an informal skins game on Friday so if you’re interested check with Tommy. Tommy gets full value from the hospitality suite so is not hard to find.

HOSPITALITY SUITE:  The Hospitality Suite will initially open Wednesday afternoon around 4:00p. It’s available each afternoon after golf (thru Sunday) and remains open until approximately 10pm. You are encouraged to stop by and meet your fellow competitors while enjoying hosted snacks & adult beverages. It’s also your chance to watch some real golf (i.e. the US Open). All official tournament information (scoring, pairings, directions, etc.) can also be found there.


How are handicaps determined?

All handicaps are assigned using your January-June low index.  Your tournament handicap is then 80% of that number.  This is an attempt to level the playing field between low & high handicappers.     

Which tees do we play?

All single digit handicaps less than 65 years old play tees approximately 6,400 – 6,700 yards.  The rest of the men will play from 6,000 – 6,300 yards, the women from 4,800 – 5,200 yards.

Is being on a Calcutta Team mandatory?

No.  Even though no one has ever chosen to skip being part of a Calcutta Team, it is allowed.  Just let me know before the Saturday afternoon auction.

Is buying into my Calcutta Team mandatory?

No.  Buying your team outright or buying any of it back from the primary owners is optional.   But, by rule, if a team is bought by someone other than the team itself, that team can buy up to ½ of their team back from the owner(s).

Who can bid on a Calcutta Team?

Anyone, to include participants, wives, girlfriends, friends, enemies, etc.  Syndicates are also encouraged but, if successful, need one person to take responsibility for turning in the purchase envelope.

Why use the Stableford scoring system?

The use of Stableford scoring has two valuable benefits.  First, it puts a floor under your result on each individual hole.  If we were counting all strokes one bad hole could ruin your entire weekend.   Getting zero points on a hole feels a lot better than having to post a 10+ on any one hole.  But most importantly, it’s a big help with ‘pace of play’.  When playing tough desert courses in the summer, both the course management & your fellow competitors appreciate playing in 4 ½ hours or less.